Cloud computing is the delivery of hosted services such as software, hardware and storage over the internet. The benefits of rapid deployment, flexibility, low upfront costs, and scalability have made cloud computing virtually ubiquitous across organizations of all sizes, often as part of hybrid/multicloud infrastructure architectures. became something.
Cloud security refers to the technologies, policies, controls, and services that protect cloud data, applications, and infrastructure from threats.
Cloud security is a cybersecurity field dedicated to protecting cloud computing systems. This includes data confidentiality and security across online-based infrastructures, applications, and platforms. Securing these systems requires effort on the part of cloud providers and the customers who use them, whether they are used by individuals, small businesses, or large enterprises.
Cloud providers host their services on their own servers over a permanent Internet connection. Their business relies on the trust of their customers, so cloud security techniques are used to keep customer data confidential and secure. However, cloud security is partly in the hands of the customer. Understanding both aspects is critical to a sound cloud security solution.

Why Cloud security is important ?

In the 1990s, business and personal data were stored locally, and so was security. Your data resides on your home PC's internal storage and on your company's servers if you work for a company.
The advent of cloud technology has forced everyone to reassess their cybersecurity. Data and applications can move between local and remote systems and are always accessible over the Internet. Whether you're accessing Google Docs on your phone or using Salesforce software to serve your customers, that data can be everywhere. So it's harder to protect than just blocking unwanted users from accessing your network. Security in the cloud requires some adaptations of previous IT practices, but they have become more important for two main reasons. Unfortunately, malicious actors have recognized the value of cloud-based targets and are increasingly investigating them to exploit them. Cloud he provider assumes many security roles from customers, but does not manage everything

  • Convenience over security - Cloud computing is growing exponentially as the dominant method of both workplace and personal use. Innovation has allowed new technologies to be implemented faster than industry security standards can keep pace, putting more responsibility on users and providers to address accessibility risks.
  • Centralization and multi-tenant storage. All components, from core infrastructure to small pieces of data such as emails and documents, can now be deployed remotely and accessed via 24/7 web-based connectivity. Such data collection on the servers of a few large service providers can be very dangerous. Attackers can now target large data centers across multiple organizations to cause massive data breaches.

Unfortunately, malicious actors have recognized the value of cloud-based targets and are increasingly investigating them to exploit them. Cloud he provider assumes many security roles from customers, but does not manage everything.