Web Application VAPT is a security testing method for security holes or vulnerabilities in web applications
and corporate websites. Because of these vulnerabilities, websites are left open to exploitation.
Today, companies are moving their most important business and application processes to the web.
There is no denying the fact that web applications are considered a major point of vulnerability in organizations today.
Web application holes have resulted in the theft of large numbers of credit cards, significant reputational
and financial damage to many businesses, as well as the compromise of several browsers that visited hacked websites.
To avoid a scenario like this, WAPT maintains complete security and that is the main reason why it is of utmost
importance to the organization. Web application penetration testing is designed to detect security vulnerabilities
in web applications.
In times of intense competition, the safety and security of your critical and sensitive business data
is highly relevant. Unlike other penetration tests, it also evaluates the risk associated with a third-party
application. It is now the best option for finding security vulnerabilities in a web application that has
previously been deployed and running. Penetration test conducted under it is done by manual and tool testing procedure.
Why Web Application Penetration Testing?
Advances in web services, web applications, and other technologies have changed the way we do business
as well as share and access information. All these technological innovations have also attracted fraudsters
and malicious hackers who try to come up with the latest attack vectors to get illegal money. In addition,
it is highly recommended to choose a web application security audit to consistently enforce the defense of
internet applications and networks.
In its most basic form, a penetration test is considered a method of assessing the security of a computer
system by simulating an attack. Regarding the same, WAPT only focuses on web application security assessment.
Its procedure includes active analysis of the application for possible technical deficiencies, vulnerabilities
or weaknesses.
Benefits for Web Application Penetration Testing?
According to various reports, more than 70% of recent attacks occur at the application level. According to several surveys conducted over the years, people attack through applications in the 21st century because it is easier than through the network layer. Despite the common use of defense systems such as intrusion prevention or detection systems and firewalls, hackers are still able to incur a great deal of legal liability without being detected or stopped. Clients will benefit from WAPT as it offers a complete analysis of the current security posture and suggestions for reducing exposure to currently identified vulnerabilities are also highlighted. In this way, clients can make informed decisions and better manage their risk exposure.